
Slaapdagboek demo paginaTo create our questionnaires, we use the most recent validated publications. We recognise that the copyright of the questionnaires as well as the publications in this regard belong to their respective owners. The questionnaires and their validation are derived from previous publications. All rights remain with the original right holders.
All obligations ensuing from this remain the responsibility of the end user. We do our best to mention the original publication or rights holders as an annex to each list.

We already have the following lists available. We can also create the lists you want to have or that you have compiled.

SDL Uitslag demo paginaThe information and validation for this can be found by clicking on the list.


  • Eppworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
  • Fatique Severity Scale (FSS)
  • Holland Sleep Disorder Questionnaire (HDSQ)
  • Holland Sleep Questionnaire (HSQ)
  • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
  • Sleepdairy for 7, 14 or 21 days
  • RLS-6 Scale of restless legs syndrome/ Willis- Ekbom disease
  • International RLS Study Group Rating Scale (IRLS)
  • Sleep Disorder Questionnaire (SDQs)
  • Frontal Lobe Epilespy (FLEP)
  • Ullanlinna Narcolepsy Scale (UNS)
  • Toronto Hospital Alertness Test (THAT)
  • Medical Outcomes Study Sleep Scale (MOS-ss)
  • Munich Parasomnia Screening (MUPS)
  • Manheim Dream Ouestionnaire (MADRE)
  • Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS)
  • Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 42/21)

View our selection for sleep related digital questionnaires

FSS Uitslag demo paginaThe results of the lists are presented in a short text, numerically or graphically, depending on the type of questionnaire. In addition, these results are also generated on an overall results page which can be exported easily to your client file.